Friday, January 12, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 10): Part One

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Another one bites the dust. It's funny how Big Brother is finding it difficult to hold on to its celebrity housemates. Rock star Donny Tourette and film director Ken Russell had already walked out. And today it was 58-year-old singer Leo Sayer's turn.

Leo broke down the door of the fire exit to make good his escape. He was apparently miffed over Big Brother's refusal to send him extra pairs of trousers and underpants.

The singer had been behaving weirdly this past week and even bared his bums last night to model Danielle and others.

Now Shilpa is worried that Jermaine is also thinking of escaping and requests him not to leave his friend behind.

She puts cream on her face (bleach?) and spends her time cooped up in the kitchen making lunch while the other housemates laze around outside. 'The A-Team' star Dirk Benedict is quick to join her and resume his wooing.

Dirk: I like your eyes, your laughter... everything
Shilpa: (laughs and calls out to Jermaine) I need help here
Dirk: Jermaine stay away

Meanwhile, Shilpa's efforts in the kitchen don't pay off as Jade, Danielle and Jo continue bitching about her and how she uses up too much stuff to cook.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 9)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Shilpa's safe for another week with actor Dirk Benedict, singer Leo Sayer and columnist Carole Malone figuring in the nomination list. One of them will be evicted from Celebrity Big Brother on Friday night.

(Nominations explained: Each housemate picks two housemates they would like to see evicted from the show. This is done anonymously in the Diary Room. The housemates who get the most votes are then put up for eviction by viewers)

But Shilpa now has to contend with new nemesis Carole. Somehow, when Jackiey was given the boot it felt as if Shilpa's troubles were over. But life in the Big Brother house isn't so easy.

Carole has been automatically nominated as punishment for discussing nominations with Shilpa and singer Cleo Rocos last week. But the columnist is miffed that the Indian actress wasn't punished for also being part of the conversation. And she made this quite clear to Shilpa.

Shilpa broke down in the face of this new accusation and the bathroom played host to a sobbing session with Jermaine (Michael Jackson's brother) ready to provide a shoulder for her to cry on.

Shilpa: I was never at fault

Jermaine: Keep your head up. Stay strong...When there's a lot of women in one place, there's always gonna be some tension

Dirk, who is otherwise depressed at being nominated, also kept up Shilpa's morale by continuing his non-stop flirting with her.

Earlier, Shilpa tried her best to console Carole by saying she won't be evicted.

Shilpa: Leo is loud, Dirk is boring. You're the only sane one.

Ouch! Do you really want Dirk to go, Shilpa? After all, wasn't he nominated by the other housemates for falling in love with you.

Meanwhile, Carole, former Big Brother star Jade and model Danielle are bitching about the Bollywood actress. They have decided not to like her at all. Jade and Danielle are mocking the way Shilpa speaks. Looks like Shilpa's going to face a lot of resentment from the girls in the coming days.

Danielle: Why do you have go? She's vile. Why didn't she go in there?

Carole: Someone they want to keep in, they don't even involve them

Later in the evening, Shilpa and Jermaine are having a heart-to-heart chat about the events of the day.

I'm more chilled out when I'm off camera. I can't do that now because I'll let down all the Indian people who want me to project my culture

Shilpa says Jermaine is a genuine person and says the kind of things Shilpa's mum would say to her.

Krishna says you do your karma, do what you have you do, don't wait for the fruits it will bear. People here don't belong to my culture. They don't understand my culture. I don't expect anything but politeness and love
Shilpa says that for the first time in her life, she is doing something without taking advice from her mother, father and sister. She recalls how she never even leaves her house in India without asking her parents. Even if a guy wants to take her out, he has to ask Shilpa's parents first. So, even being in Big Brother is a huge thing for her.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 8)

Hurrah! Shilpa's safe for now. Jackiey's the first person to be evicted from this year's Big Brother.

But is this good news for the Indian actress. The other housemates (especially the girls) might blame Shilpa's verbal duels with Jackiey for the latter's ouster. The first round of housemate nominations are not too far away and Shilpa may have to convince the girls not to kick her out.

In her exit interview, Jackiey says Shilpa was "jarring me big time". And then for the first time, pronounces Shilpa's name correctly - of course, with host Davina's help.

Inside the Big Brother villa, Shilpa is in silent mode. She's wearing sunglasses (has she been crying?). All she says is that the timing of Jackiey's exit was bad.

Shilpa feels Dirk sexy but too old for her

Early morning conversation in the bathroom. Cleo stuck for words to describe Dirk. Will Shilpa finally reveal her feelings for the fading Hollywood star who's fallen for her.

Cleo: He's so...

Shilpa: ... sexy?

Cleo: He's so relaxing, so funny... you think he's SEXY?!

Shilpa: I think he's very sexy

Cleo: Then what's wrong with you then?

Shilpa: He's sexy and old

Cleo: Maybe he's got a few more years than you, but that doesn't make him old. I know people who are younger than him who are really old

Shilpa: I agree

Cleo: You're full-on fussy. He makes you laugh, he's gentlemanly. What's missing?

Shilpa: Age

Cleo: Oh no, that's terrible. Oh... oh... no you can't!"

Shilpa: He's sweet, I agree

Cleo: Don't judge. You can't be like that. I can't believe how harsh you are

Later in the day, Jo and Shilpa are deep in thought over matters of love.

According to Jo, one can't really help who one falls in love with.

Shilpa agrees. Says she could never marry a guy who was not Indian.

Jo curious. Asks if it would be allowed if she fell in love with an Englishman or American.

Shilpa says yes coz she's never lived by rules anyway. And then Jo asks her about Dirk. No way, says Shilpa.

Lazy cribbers

A miffed Shilpa asks Dirk if she's ever seen Jade help clean the kitchen. It's true. All Jade and some others do is bitch about how many servants the Bollywood actress has and then go on to eat the stuff she prepares.

Hollywood movie career for Shilpa

Ian asks Shilpa if she would work abroad. Shilpa says she's interested if it's a really good offer and she gets a good agent. On second thoughts, she doesn't really want to start from the bottom again and would be happy to go back to just Bollywood. Yes Shilpa, we want you to come back to India as well.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mamma Mia

Had my Camera phone handy when my Mom fell prey to a bout of dancing. Watch this - I guarantee you won't stop smiling :)

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 7)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

A bottle of Lemon Juice. Battles have been fought for lesser things on Big Brother. Shilpa and Jackiey have a verbal showdown over what to order from the food store.

Jackiey feels that Shilpa is exercising too much control and didn't bother to ask her what she wanted. Isn't a bottle of lemon juice a basic item, she asks? Shilpa is flabbergasted and almost breaks down.

Not only Jackiey, even the other girls seem to dislike the Indian actress. Danielle and Jade feel she's too "bossy". Shilpa and bossy? I am sure viewers will agree she's only trying to help out.

Among the girls, Carole is the only one who takes Shilpa's side. She tells Danielle that Jade and company have decided they don't like Shilpa and now anything she does is picked on.

In a conversation with Carole, Shilpa notes that an Indian would never be spoken to the way she has been spoken to. And yet she won't shame her parents by retaliating.

Carole's advice - stay out of Jackiey's way.

Later, Leo jumps in just as Jermaine and Shilpa are having a nice, private chat. Jermaine is clutching his blue beads and Shilpa wearing nice big earrings (are they turquoise?) comes and sits beside him on the floor.

Jermaine says he loves the sound of Shilpa's hairdryer. But Shilpa is in a more philosophical mood.

I don't know what I am doing here. It is not really my scene... I do like most of the people here.
At this point, Leo plonks himself on the bed and demands to hear Indian stories from Shilpa. What a spoilsport?

More on the Shilpa-Dirk romance. Apparently, Dirk still can't pronounce her name.

Dirk: I'm sorry, I can't say the name. I did it in the Diary Room, I said 'you know, the Indian girl'. How embarrassing I don't know the names of all my housemates

Shilpa: I'm going to rechristen myself. What would be easy for you guys? What did you say about me in the Diary Room?

Danielle: I reckon it's that you love Shilpa

Dirk: She is love obsessed

Cleo: She's pairing everybody up. We're all going to get it by the end of it

Shilpa: She ruined any chances I had

Now what does she mean by that, I wonder.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Story of a scar

My face now sports a hideous scar above my right eyebrow. All thanks to me slipping and crashing into the glass doors of my office. Was spouting blood all over the place. Sigh! As if life wasn't interesting enough.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 6) : The Dirk-Shilpa love story

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Well, everybody seems hooked on to the Dirk Benedict and Shilpa Shetty love affair. But has the 61-year-old Hollywood star really fallen for the Bollywood beauty?

In a conversation with Leo, Dirk says Shilpa may be his ideal woman but then even his "belt is older than her". He seems to be wondering whether a young woman would be interested in him. Thank God he realises he's almost double Shilpa's age.

Meanwhile, Jo and Cleo tell Ian that Shilpa really likes Dirk.

And then Danielle goes right ahead and asks the A-Team star point-blank.

Danielle: Do you think there will be a happy ending between you and Shilpa?

Dirk: There already is. Naaaah, I've been flirting with her, I tease her, it makes her happy. Isn't that good. For me it's nothing. When a man meets a woman it's always the woman that decides. There may be dinner, but it doesn't matter what he does. He can do whatever he can to convince her he is a good guy to be with -even today when the girl does all the stuff.

Danielle doesn't give up. What if the girl doesn't fancy the boy, she asks.

Dirk: Then you make a fool of yourself

Danielle: Like you did!


Dirk: I'm so glad I'm older. I've had my heart broken so many times

Danielle: Shilpa won't break your heart

And now comes the spanner in the works. Shilpa apparently told Carole that she wouldn't want an older man or someone other than an Indian in her life. The Bollywood diva is also worried that Dirk talking about her would be seen on TV.

Carole breaks the news to some housemates.

Carole:...she has to marry an Indian boy

Danielle: She HAS to?

Carole: She WANTS to

To add to the general confusion, Dirk jokingly says he needs enough money to look after Shilpa and build her a temple at his Montana residence. Carole puts in a rejoinder that Dirk might just have to decamp to Bombay(Mumbai).

Later the girls are discussing Dirk and Jade tells Shilpa about Dirk's liking for her. They are all wondering why the good-looking guy (who still has a good head of hair) hasn't met someone yet.

And then Danielle proposes that Shilpa and Dirk should get married on the show. Gwaahh! That's the sound of Shilpa nearly choking with laughter.

I wonder why people aren't talking about Shilpa and Jermaine. They seem more like soulmates than Dirk and her. Today, the good friends were discussing Shilpa's stint on the show. Jermaine feels that Shilpa would be there till the very end. But the Indian actress says she would leave if she felt she was losing her dignity.

Later, some of the housemates are gossiping about Shilpa's life in India.

Jo and Carole would love to visit India to see for themselves how the Bollywood actress lives. There seems to be a lot of jealousy here.

They try and work out the kind of money Shilpa must be making from films. Carole quotes Shilpa as saying that she was the Indian equivalent of Angelina Jolie. But Danielle says she can't imagine Shilpa being waited on considering she wants to be involved in everything on Big Brother.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Monday, January 08, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother ( Day 5)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

(Catfights and Romance in the air for our Shilpa)

Shilpa's having a bad time on Big Brother. She's suffering from a cold and a bad back (because she slept on the floor). Plus, she's going ballistic over Jackiey's behaviour. They even had a verbal showdown in the loo.

Shilpa regrets losing her cool.

I never argue and here I am coming to England having a row. I should have kept my calm.

But Shilpa confesses that her sister Shamita would love her response to Jackiey's taunts coz Shamita had told her not to "take any shit from anyone". Anyway, why can't Jackiey learn to pronounce Shilpa's name correctly?

Wait a minute. Why are Mumbai's famous dabbawalas being discussed on the show? Aaaaah! It's Shilpa explaining in great detail to filmmaker Ken Russell how these tiffin-carriers are the lifeline for many in India's financial capital.

Meanwhile in the Servants quarters, plans are afoot to marry off Dirk Benedict to Shilpa.

The 'A-Team' star blushes when the girls tell him he has a schoolboy crush on the Bollywood diva. After all, he keeps whining about being away from Shilpa for long.

Jo, Ian and Cleo feel even Shilpa is flirting with Dirk and all is not one-way traffic. Will Shilpa be getting a Hollywood actor as her husband or will she stick to her favourite buddy Jermaine?

There's one small problem. Jo feels that Dirk marrying Shilpa won't be easy as Shilpa is Indian and religious and will find it difficult to circumvent the traditional concept of arranged marriage. Jo obviously has some wrong notions about urban India.

In other news, Uncle Ken left the Big Brother mansion today - apparently disgusted by Jade and Jackiey's behaviour. Let me remind you that Shilpa's glasses were broken by Jade. Deliberately? But Shilpa doesn't think so.

Beware Shilpa. Jade's family is set to get bigger as her real-life grandparents are visiting the house for dinner.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 4)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

So much has happened in a day

- Shilpa one of six nominated for eviction
- Rocker Donny Tourette walks out of show
- Three new housemates make an entry

Before he climbed the outside wall and escaped, Donny was one of eight celebrities forced to move into separate quarters (in the same building) as Servants while Shilpa, Ken Russell and Jermaine Jackson stayed behind as Masters in the Main House.

Three new people have arrived to give Shilpa, Ken and Jermaine company. They are - former Big Brother contestant Jade Goody, her mum Jackiey Budden, and Jade's boyfriend Jack Tweedy. (Incidentally, Jackiey calls Shilpa 'Shil' while Jade and Jack name her 'Shuppie')

The Servants are expected to do everything for the Masters - wake and feed them... If three Servants fail to complete their individual duties the group will fail the task and their shopping budget for next week will be slashed.

On the other hand, by virtue of being Masters, Shilpa and her five mates are up for eviction next week. The housemate with the lowest number of 'saving' votes gets automatically eliminated. Am crossing my fingers Shilpa doesn't.

However, the actress has not been keeping a low profile. She even requested housemates to change beds with her because according to a Hindu custom, she wasn't supposed to sleep with her feet pointing South.

She's also been pumping iron in the gym. Has anybody noticed how actor Dirk Benedict seems to compliment Shilpa for everything - be it her relative skill with the skipping rope OR how she's not heavy enough to register on the track machine(Ya, right!)

Shilpa has spent an equal amount of time cooking in the kitchen. And when not doing that, she's discussing preparing dry fruits with Jermaine. Then arguing with columnist Carole Malone over who will wash up (both wanted to do it). And how terrible it was that people needed to be told to wash their own dishes.

Funny coincidence that Donny should leave the show at this point coz Shilpa confessed in the Diary Room she was finding it a challenge to be friends with the rocker.

And after her female housemates left her for the Servant quarters, Shilpa had a long weeping session. Wonder why? Presumably because she felt she was rejected by Carole and the rest. Am not surprised to see Carole bitching about Shilpa in the Servant quarters.

The good: Shilpa seems to have developed a kinship with the otherwise reticent Jermaine, even having heart-to-hearts in the loo.

The bad: Talking of loos, the housemates were fixated with a piece of floating shit in the toilet and were trying to fix the blame on someone. Last heard, Ken was being accused of the crime.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

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