Friday, January 19, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 16)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Jade gets quizzed by Big Brother

Big Brother asked Jade Goody about her conversation with Danielle Lloyd in which she referred to the Indian actress as 'Shilpa f***awhiler' and 'Shilpa Poppadom'.

Jade's defence - she wanted to use an Indian name and the only word she could think of was Indian food. Hence, poppadom.

Jade: Shilpa Poppadom. I explained that for the other two trying to get her name out. Her name is not Shilpa Harry or Shilpa Tweed or Shilpa Mackintosh, she is Indian, so will have an Indian name. No racial anything. She is Indian, thinking of an Indian name and only thing I could think of was Indian food. Wasn't racial at all. It was not to offend any Indian out there. Everyone knows I don't
like her. She don't like me. What I said about her was not meant in a racial way - it's not acceptable if done in that way. Mine wasn't done in that way.

It's not a racist thing, says Shilpa

In a conversation with Ian, Shilpa says that the behaviour of the housemates may not be racist.

Shilpa: You know, when I actually thought about it, I know it's not a racist thing. I thought about it for a long time. It's not racist. You know people say things in anger. She (Jade) tries to challenge me. She tries to challenge my beliefs.

The two foes are ACTUALLY hugging

The big news is that Jade and Shilpa have had a talk about their differences, cleared the air and then hugged. Ya, you read that right.

Jade: I know that what has happened has not been nice for you... and a lot of stuff got said the other day from you and from myself. I didn't say ('Shilpa Poppadom') it in a racial way... I do not judge people by the colour of their skin

Shilpa: I know that. I don't think you're racist

Jade: I appreciate you saying that - it does mean a lot

Shilpa: If somebody is going to keep calling me fake, it's bound to hurt me

Jade says that she got angry when Shilpa said she needed elocution classes.

Shilpa: I didn't say elocution. I said etiquette

Jade: It's obvious we don't get on. Different backgrounds

Shilpa: There is definitely a culture clash. You said more nasty things about me than what I said about you

Jade: I was angry of the fact that I'd let you make me get so angry over a cube! I don't want the awkwardness anymore. It's an awkward situation and I don't like it. I'm not spiteful and I'm not on purposely nasty.

Jade: I'm sorry

And with that, the bitter foes give each other a great big hug. They know they are not going to be best friends but there won't be any bad blood either. Now, if only that diplomatic row over racism on the Big Brother show gets solved this easily.

Shilpa: I really appreciate that you took the first step

The other housemates were enthusiastic when news of the truce trickled in. Amidst general applause, Ian burst into a rendition of 'Love is in the Air'. Awwww! And to think we have to choose between Shilpa and Jade for Friday's eviction.

A romantic date for Shilpa

Dirk Benedict may have confessed he's not that serious about Shilpa but the housemates are not done teasing the Bollywood actress yet.

Gay singer Ian Watkins told Shilpa the housemates have set her up on a romantic date with the A-Team actor.

Ian: We just went to the Diary Room. Guess what we asked for.

Shilpa couldn't guess so Ian finally told her.

Ian: We asked for a candlelit dinner for you and Dirk. You'd make such a nice couple.

Shilpa probably thought this would be the right time to set things straight.

Shilpa: He's very kind and sweet but he's not my type. I need someone more fun.

Ouch! Wish Dick never gets to hear that. Not that Shilpa's been bitching about him. She and Jermaine Jackson had been discussing what a nice guy Dirk is.

Dirk and Shilpa have been spending time together despite talk of a romance. He showed her pictures of his children and the two continue exercising together and having long chats about Dirk being a vegetarian.

Shilpa goes on to tell Ian she does have a fairly good idea about the ideal man for her.

Shilpa: There is no prototype, because that can restrict (you). Someone who has a sense of humour, someone who is extremely respectful, someone who I want to have kids with. Someone who'll be a great father and someone who...will be my friend. These are the prerequisites.

All hail Jermaine

The Master-Servant game might have ended in the first week of Big Brother but Jermaine obviously doesn't think so. Shilpa is there to do his bidding at night.

Jermaine: I'm in my pyjamas - can you just bring me a little bitty?

Shilpa: Are you normally this boring?

Jermaine: I'm sleepy. I'm an early riser

Shilpa: I have come to the conclusion that I am your servant

Jermaine: I like service

Shilpa: You're gonna get a kick up your ass!

Nevertheless, Shilpa runs to the kitchen to do Jermaine's bidding and returns with three strawberries.

Jermaine: I love service!

Shilpa: We can see that

Danielle and Shilpa make up and hug

At bedtime, Danielle is apparently sorry for her behaviour towards Shilpa - something she says was caused by stupidity and bad judgement.

Danielle: I didn't agree with some of the things you said to Jade, but I especially didn't agree with some of the things that Jade said to you. I hate confrontation. I hate arguing

Shilpa: (Jade and I) had a very good conversation outside. We cleared it all out. She doesn't need to be worried

Danielle: I'm sorry. 'Cos I'm young and quite naive, I've probably took the route where I'll stick with Jade. I feel really disgusted at myself... I'm following the leader, following the group - when (you are) a really nice girl. I'm not a bad person. I have got a good heart
Shilpa: You have to have your own identity

Danielle: Since Jade come... I've felt really intimidated because Jade's a much stronger person

The two exchange hugs. Peace finally reigns in the Big Brother house.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

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