Friday, January 19, 2007

Jade's behaviour not racial: Shilpa

Shilpa tells Big Brother in the Diary Room that Jade Goody's behaviour towards her is definitely not racial. The "victim" retracts her earlier statement to Cleo Rocos about Jade's comments. But notice how Shilpa refrains from mentioning Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara. She's apparently unaware of many of the comments made by those two. Here's the text of Shilpa's chat with Big Brother -

Big Brother: Are you feeling happy?

Shilpa: Yeah I'm OK, happiness is a state of mind, I mean it just depends on what you think makes you happy, I'm happy. I'm happy and I try to be happy in every given situation, I wasn't happy, mm, two days ago. Um, well the way I live, if something has saddened me I try, it takes me a day to understand, analyse, and then I just leave it right there and then I move on, that's the way I've always lived. Today I am in a calm frame of mind so I would just like to say that um, an apology is definitely in order, and if Jade apologises I, I will apologise back and um, and make up with her.

Shilpa: But I know that is not going to come forth from Jade's side, um and she thinks what she did was right and that was the right way to behave so I'm cool with that so I'd rather just be away, and keep my respect so that's that - I don't have anything against Jade, I just, I just don't like the way she speaks that is my only complaint against Jade, I have nothing to say against her as a person, I think she has really worked hard to be where she is right now, um, and I respect people who have come up the hard way but er, oh she definitely needs to brush up on some manners and the way she speaks.

Big Brother: Shilpa, you mentioned you were not happy two days ago, Big Brother noticed that you had a conversation with Cleo in the bedroom following an argument with Jade. You implied that you thought the differences between the two of you could be racially motivated?

Shilpa: No, actually I take that back. I thought it was cos everybody was having an argument with me and I take that back. I don't think that is true, you know people say things in a fit of anger and erm, I stand corrected so, I don't want people to think and feel that way and I continue to feel that way. So even if I said it I would like you to please clarify and put this as a statement from my side if you can. That I don't feel there was any racial discrimination happening from Jade's end.

Shilpa: Erm, I don't think that is true. That's it. I think that there are a lot of insecurities from her end but it's definitely not racial. So yeah, that's the way I feel.

The Jackson Five Tribute Band

Footage of Shilpa's Jackson Five tribute band performing on Day 11 of Big Brother

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

It's Shilpa vs Jade for eviction

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

The two women at the centre of the Big Brother racism furore battle it out for survival. They have been nominated for eviction by the housemates and only one will stay back on Friday night.

Earlier today, Shilpa had a premonition that she will be up for eviction.

Shilpa: I am getting nominated. It's common sense, not rocket science

But it's funny that Jade Goody is getting the flak for her so-called racist comments when it's Danielle and Jo who have made the more unforgivable remarks against Shilpa. Anyway, one of the two bitter foes will be evicted soon - and I sure hope it's not Shilpa.

Racism on Big Brother: The Backlash

News updates on the "Big Brother racism" controversy

Sponsor pulls plug on UK Big Brother

Shilpa Shetty's mum wants her out of "Big Brother"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 15)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Early risers Jermaine Jackson and Ian Watkins are discussing last night's spat between Jade Goody and Shilpa. Jermaine is amazed that the girls are ganging up against the Bollywood actress.

Jermaine: When Jade was going off at Shilpa, the other girls were laughing. They are being controlled by Jade, it's ignorance. It's become territorial now. I'm trying to be neutral but I'm not going to let things be unfair. I'm not willing to talk to Jade. I can't change Jade

Ian: In her mind, she's right

Jermaine: She (Jade) told her (Shilpa) that her head was so far up her own a*** she could smell her own s***!

Danielle makes peace with Shilpa

Former Miss Great Britain Danielle Llloyd, one of the three accused of making racist comments against Shilpa, appears to have had an attack of conscience. She follows Shilpa into the bathroom for a heart-to-heart.

Danielle: Shilpa, I don't like arguing with anyone and I don't want to argue with you

Shilpa: Don't worry, I'm cool (embraces Danielle). You were never like that with me.

Danielle: I don't want you to feel left out, I feel really bad and I'm not a bad person

Shilpa: You are not a bad person. And neither is Jo ... And neither is Jade. Jade just waits for an argument and I'm not like that. I can't be what she wants me to be...I don't have anything against you, trust me.

The Silent Treatment

Bitter foes Shilpa and Jade have not spoken a word to each other today, treating each other like invisible walls. But Jade continues to eavesdrop on Shilpa's conversations with other housemates.

Jade: Did you hear what she said? 'I didn't say a bad thing to Jade'

Jo: That's cheeky

Jade: Well, she is cheeky. When Dirk just came over Shilpa walked straight past him and ignored him, because he's been talking to us.

Two weeks in Big Brother

The housemates calculate that it's been two weeks since they first set foot within the Big Brother house. Shilpa, Jermaine and Cleo are wondering how they have survived for so long and Shilpa says it certainly didn't go by smoothly.

Ian reveals his admiration for Freddie Mercury and Shilpa points out that the Queen rocker was originally from India. Must say Shilpa's not all that dumb, considering that most Bollywood actresses are supposed to be deficient in the brain area.

Dirk thinks of a new name for the show. "This show probably has the record for people busting out. 'Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, that's what this is.". Are you thinking of busting out too, Dirk?

Ian asks Shilpa whether she has a following in the UK. He thinks Shilpa will certainly get one once she gets out. Little do the two know about the Big Brother racism brouhaha that has hogged headlines worldwide. Am sure everybody in the UK now knows who Shilpa Shetty is.

Modern Art for the Housemates

Big Brother has a new task for his nine inmates. The housemates, in groups of three, produce works of modern art depicting an emotion they experienced during their time in the house.

Ian, Shilpa and Jermaine decide on the theme of strength. Their work of art is a cardboard torso with a flexed right arm and a painted red heart.

Shilpa: (explaining the concept to Big Brother) This explains the strength we all try to show in every situation, even in times we are really distressed. It doesn't just denote... physical strength - but also in terms of character

Is that a subtle message for Jade?

Dirk and Shilpa: A Damp Squib

All hopes of a Hollywood-Bollywood romance seems to be fading. Dirk reveals that he would have been interested in Shilpa HAD he been younger.

Dirk: Shilpa ... it's fun, I can make her giggle and blush. If I was younger, she would interest me. But the truth is, she was very nice about it, she handled it well. She could have not liked it at all, said 'I don't find this appealing, it's not attractive, it's not charming, it's not funny, stop it' which I would have done

Danielle in Confession Mode

While chatting with Danielle in the Diary Room, Big Brother asks her what she meant by telling Shilpa to "f*** off home". Danielle appears to have forgotten this outburst and says she regrets the offensive comment and is disgusted with herself. She resolves not to follow the herd in her reactions to Shilpa and be more understanding.

Jade and Cleo make up

Cleo Rocos, who has tried to act as a mediator between Shilpa and the other girls, has been avoiding Jade for some time. Jade is keen to clarify matters and makes it clear she doesn't want Cleo to stop talking to Shilpa.

Jade: I openly speak about people in front of you, but I'd never, ever say that you shouldn't talk to [Shilpa] because of this. I'd never pull you away from somebody. I just wouldn't.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win

That's right. Being a victim of racism is turning out to be a win-win situation for Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty. No publicity is bad publicity. Who would have thought that a story on UK's Celebrity Big Brother would hog headlines even in international media. Forget Aishwarya and Abhishek's wedding - Shilpa is the most talked about person in India right now.

The friendly neighbourhood aunt arrives early in the morning to borrow a bowl of sugar - and asks how Shilpa is doing. At the office, people are no longer interested in cricket or Sachin - it's the latest racist remark on Big Brother that's fuelling workplace gossip. The weather is no longer a conversation starter at Page 3 parties -Shilpa Shetty has taken over top spot.

People in Patna are burning effigies of Shilpa's housemates and the issue threatens to snowball into a diplomatic war between India and Great Britain. You have Gordon Brown and Tony Blair talking about it. What more does Shilpa need. A statement from Osama bin Laden threatening to bomb the headquarters of series producer Endemol and broadcaster Channel Four? Well, that might just be in the pipeline.

As for me, I have been inundated by mails asking how and where to get video footage of Big Brother. For the record, you can get it on the show's official site here.

The Last Word: Is there racism on the show? Yes, there is but what people don't realise is that this racism stems from Shilpa's beauty and grace which is making the other woman housemates insanely jealous. The men on the show are going ga-ga over Shilpa and the women can't handle it. Jade Goody, Jo O'Meara and Danielle Lloyd are not getting enough attention from Dirk Benedict, Jermaine Jackson and Ian Watkins. And the only way they can get back at Shilpa is through racist comments. You don't believe me! What about Jade's threat to headbutt Shilpa?

Anyway, whether Shilpa wins the Big Brother contest or not, she will certainly benefit from renewed interest in her flagging Bollywood career. And that is what I call a win-win situation.

Update: And win she did. Hurrah!

Watch Videos
The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 14)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Sex, Love and Attitude

A discussion on teenage pregnancies leads into a debate on Indian women being expected to marry in their 20s. Shilpa says she comes from a very conservative and small community. But then several men she has been out with were progressive in their attitudes.

Jade: Are you progressive?

Shilpa: Of course I am (points out she is 31). We were brought up with the belief that you should get when I had my first boyfriend we were very close and I thought this was the be-all-and-end-all for me...I think I'm someone who's not against premarital sex but I'm totally against someone who just has sex. I couldn't get into a physical relationship with someone if I wasn't emotionally attached

But the Bollywood actress has qualms about saying the S word.

Shilpa: 14-year-old girls know more about...

Ian: You can use the word, it isn't dirty

Shilpa: I don't usually say that word - I'm silly and say 'making love'

Jade: Having sex and making love is completely different

Jade and Shilpa: The War continues

The two women prepare to go to the mattresses (from The Godfather). This time, the war is over Jade, Jo and Danielle using four chicken stock cubes from Shilpa's shopping list.

Jade: So what, it's a stock cube, get over it. The other day a whole chicken went to waste because it was pink... Not only are you pathetic and fake, you're a liar

Shilpa: I don't want to fight

Even the chicken marinade prepared by Shilpa is rejected by Jade - apparently because Shilpa used her own recipe and not the one Jade preferred. The Bollywood actress vows to stay away from the kitchen from now on. Ian, who seems to be on Shilpa's side for some time now, asks her to forget about the chicken episode.

Shilpa says that the girls can't stand her because Dirk, Ian and Jermaine get along with her. Atta boy, Shilpa - you just hit the nail on the head.

Jade's diatribe in the Diary Room

Jade takes her long list of complaints to Big Brother in the Diary Room

1) Shilpa is getting on Jack's nerves
2) Shilpa's so controlling
3) Shilpa's screeching is getting to quite a few people. It's driving them mad
4) Shilpa's got an agenda. She says she's being herself but I think she's fooling people into thinking she's that type of person. It never seems sincere.
5) Whenever I speak to Shilpa she just cries. She's doing my nut in

Dirk, Shilpa and the broken hanger

Shilpa's hanging up clothes in the bedroom as Dirk watches. One hanger breaks and the chivalrous knight is immediately by Shilpa's side, offering to mend it.

Shilpa: No, please. I know you're really strong and all of that...

Dirk: Come here, I am really good at fixing things

Shilpa: Thank you! Are you gonna keep the hanger as well, to remember me by?

Ian: (in the background) Will she, won't she?

Dirk: Ian, I don't need any help from you

Ian: You flirt as much as you want ... Get a room you two. Get a room!

Later, Dirk teases Shilpa about the idea of them having a relationship.

Dirk: Tell them the truth, say if he was ten years younger, maybe

Shilpa feels that on the day of her eviction, the audience would probably chant 'Dirk, Dirk, Dirk' and that "age is no bar".

Shilpa, beware of the headbutt

A bitchfest is in session and as usual Shilpa is the lone target as she sleeps in the bedroom. Jade claims that Shilpa called her a commoner and asked her to get elocution lessons. That can't be true. Shilpa would never say that, would she?

Jade also accuses Shilpa of turning Dirk and Jermaine against her.

Jade: I think it's nasty and she's very very manipulative. Very. In my eyes she's a nasty piece of work. I look at her and I wanna headbutt her. I wanna wipe that smug look off her face

Jade is certain that Shilpa's personality is anything but the real thing.

Jade: Because I'm so not fake and genuinely real, I can see it

Jo: You're f****** bang on and I'm the fairest person in the world

Jack: Shall we go lift her up and put her in the garden, then lock the door?

Be on the lookout, Shilpa - there's no telling what these girls might do to you. Be it a Zidane headbutt or other stuff.

Jo and Jade also feel that Shilpa's claims of being a Bollywood actress might be a huge lie. If only these two had some Indian friends, they could have checked that out.

Jade: For all I know she could be someone from up Old Kent Road.. I don't know

The girls feel that Shilpa might also be a Big Brother spy. After all, the show has done this kind of thing before. Jo complains that Shilpa is getting special treatment and is always let into the Diary Room instantly while others are forced to wait.

Shilpa in a Hugh Grant flick!
UK celebrity lashes out at Shilpa's attitude
Shilpa fever rocks British Parliament
Shilpa's life after Big Brother
SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

Racism on Big Brother: The Indian angle

This is the first time that Big Brother has received so many complains about racism on the show. Click here for news

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shilpa Shetty in Big Brother (Day 13)

Click here for the Richard Gere - Shilpa Shetty kissing controversy

Words of comfort and a dream

Shilpa emerges this morning wearing huge sunglasses to hide her eyes. Cleo Rocos and Jermaine Jackson try their best to comfort her. They feel that Jade Goody's behaviour towards Shilpa is just a clash of cultures. Even Shilpa says she appreciates Jade's honesty.

Meanwhile, the bitching session against the Bollywood star continues unabated. Jo O'Meara, Jade and Danielle Lloyd are making nasty remarks about yesterday's undercooked chicken and Shilpa being bossy.

Jade tells the others she had a nightmare in which Shilpa was kicking her and Shilpa's cousin came out of nowhere to pull Danielle's hair. Watch out Jade - that dream might just come true if you continue your tirade against Shilpa.

Danielle turns new leaf

Danielle goes to Shilpa in the bathroom and tries to reassure her that no one's got any bad feelings towards her. She doesn't want Shilpa to feel left out, she says. Has the disgraced former Miss Great Britain really turned over a new leaf?

Danielle has a case of make-up rash and Shilpa offers her some cream - an offer that is gratefully accepted.

Of the Taj Mahal and cleavage

Jermaine's curious about the Taj Mahal and Shilpa's trying to impress him. Shahjehan built it for his wife Mumtaz and then cut off the hands of the builders so that they could not replicate it.

Shilpa's proving to be quite a good ambassador for India. She certainly knows her History.

Ian asks her if it was taboo in India for women to show off their cleavage. Shilpa feels she has no problem with showing some cleavage as long as it's displayed tastefully.

Obstacle Course and a Wardrobe Malfunction

After a game of Chinese Whispers, the housemates dress for a so-called red carpet event. They have been given clothes to do so. And when Big Brother suddenly announces a Red Carpet Assault Course, they realise tuxedos and evening gowns are not appropriate for an obstacle race through a rubbish-filled VIP Pit, a Champagne Fountain and a Crawl of Fame.

But there's no time to change. Shilpa can't even take her contact lenses out. The Task - Complete the race in nine minutes and housemates receive a luxury shopping budget else basic rations. Alas! It takes them more than ten minutes to wade through all that slippery gunk. The high point was when the gushing fountain caused Danielle to have a wardrobe malfunction. Her dress slips down to her waist and the model is concerned that her accidental flash would be seen in all of Great Britain.

Shilpa and Dirk: The Wooing Game

Shilpa tells A-Team actor Dirk Benedict she was born in 1975. Dirk, smitten by Shilpa, says he was reborn in 1975. He says he's feeling cold but he can take the heat too (winks at Shilpa)

Flirting is on in full swing. Dirk wants to watch a film in which Shilpa plays a seductress.

Shilpa: You should see Dus. It means 10

Dirk: You did 10?

Shilpa: I was an ATC agent ... a very serious kind of movie. the first time ever a heroine did an action sequence. I jump and I kick

Dirk: When did you do that?

Shilpa: Two years back

The discussion turns to films they like. Shilpa feels Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill is over-rated though Pulp Fiction was good. Her favourite films are Serendipity and the Notebook.

Shilpa's Eeeeeeeek laugh

Jade and Jo are at it again. Seems they don't have anything else to do. Jade's imitating Shilpa's laugh. Eeeeeeeek. Jo says that Shilpa's laugh worries her a little bit. She apparently HAS to walk out of the room whenever Shilpa does her Eeeeeeeeek bit.

Budget Blues

As they failed in their task, the housemates are on basic rations and don't have a lot of money to spend. Jo feels Shilpa is very controlling while organising the shopping list.

At Night

Danielle's upset about the wardrobe malfunction of the evening and the others are atempting to console her.

Shilpa is telling Cleo Rocos it's funny how people end up fighting over tea and ketchup. But her spirits are up and she feels that as part of a team everyone has to do their best.

DAILY HIGHLIGHTS of Shilpa's stint on Big Brother
Shilpa wins: The final moments
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11: Part Two
Day 11
Day 10: Part Two
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

SPOOF - Shilpa nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
COMMENT - Of India, Sexual Racism and Shilpa Shetty
ANALYSIS - Racism on Big Brother: Shilpa Shetty to win
FORUM - Racism on Big Brother
Shilpa says Jade's behaviour not racial

The Best of Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother
And the winner is - Shilpa Shetty
Day 14 - The Jade-Shilpa row
Day 11 - Shilpa in the Jackson Five band
Day 20 - Shilpa's Showgirl routine
Day 19 - Shilpa's Aunt Jameela act

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