Thursday, May 31, 2007

The truth about Tinky-Winky

I would have thought the Polish government had more serious stuff to worry about. Riots, unemployment...the usual suspects. Instead they are spending money to investigate if the Teletubbies are gay. More specifically Tinky-Winky, the eldest Teletubby on the British TV show for kids.

And why? Because the purple furry creature carries a lady's handbag.

Just one question for the Polish experts - Are you quite sure Tinky-Winky is not a woman. Last time I checked, the Teletubbies just had miniature television sets broadcasting stuff from their furry bellies. No genitals to speak of.

And I thought only we Indians had a fetish for publicity stunts.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Desperately seeking Sherlock Holmes

Actually, one of my pals is trying to find out more about this mysterious diva. Can you help?

- Student of IIT Delhi
- Sings like an angel
- Gyrates like Shakira

Hmmmph! The Baker Street guy is never there when you need him. Should I try Chetan Bhagat?

Vote for the Taj Mahal

What! You haven't voted for the Taj Mahal yet. And you call yourself an Indian?

Did you know the monument of love is lagging way behind in the race to be in the new Seven Wonders list. So, what are you waiting for?

Am not advocating booth-capturing of any kind. Just pleading with all you net surfing geeks out there. Log on and Vote Now

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Konkona getting a raw deal, eh?

Poor Konkona Sen Sharma. Why are directors hell-bent on making her fall in love with a gay colleague? As if Page 3 wasn't enough, Metro sees Konkona walking in on a none-too-brotherly encounter.

But she still gets off lightly. In a city where extra-marital affairs are passe and cool dude Sharman Joshi makes money by renting out his apartment for scheduled sexcapades. Which reminds me, is the similarity with The Apartment (1960) purely coincidental?

Shilpa Shetty, in her first film since winning British hearts in 'Celebrity Big Brother', plays the wronged wife to perfection. Hubby Kay Kay Menon is spending too much time in office meetings, or rather massaging Kangana Ranaut. And leaves a lonely Shilpa to find solace in the arms of theatre artist Shiney Ahuja.

As if that wasn't enough, director Anurag Basu brings in an ageing Dharmendra and Nafisa Ali to spice things up for older viewers. Despite this odd couple, Basu still manages to hold the film together with some tight editing and some spectacular scenes - go watch the movie, you will know which ones I'm talking about.

And I haven't even talked about the surprise package yet - Irrfan Khan is the soul of the film. He mouths the funniest and the most philosophical lines. Leaving those of the hamming variety in Shiney's kitty. By the way, I hated Shiney's theatre scene.

Nevertheless, Life in a ...Metro is eminently watchable. Be it for Irrfan Khan. Or Pritam's soul-stirring music. Or Kay Kay Menon's ogre husband bit. Or even Shilpa Shetty's return to stardom. Take your pick.

Rating: ****

Saturday, May 26, 2007

May 2007 Blog Mela

Sakshi thinks Karan Johar wants to marry Richard Gere

Falstaff falls in love with Paris Hilton - or does he?

Rashmi Bansal thinks Ambani's big adda is a big anda

Presstalk (is he the new War for News?) reveals that the media industry has its share of peeping toms

Bikkupedia sees peacocks dancing inside the Tiger's den

Suchitra Krishnamoorthi wants to yell, abuse, slap people and tell a few others to go to hell

Shaarique keeps you updated with the golden rules of flirting on Orkut

Rajaram comes clean on things he's learnt from his wife

SMI tells you why Amma is never far away

Unfortunately, many readers nominated blog posts published in April - Didn't you read the blog mela rules?

March 2007 Blog Mela
April 2007 Blog Mela

Wanna get featured in next month's Blog Mela? Visit this blog in the first week of June for nomination guidelines

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lightning screws up May Blog Mela

Yes, a bolt of lightning put paid to my plans of coming out with the May 2007 Blog Mela today.

Yesterday, as heat-stricken Delhi welcomed the rainstorm with open arms, one teeny-weeny flash escaped from the sky and made a beeline for my rooftop.

Whoosh! The subsequent boom spelt death for all electrical appliances in the vicinity. Including my beloved MTNL broadband modem.

As I wait for my modem to spring to life, I hereby announce the postponement of the May 2007 Blog Mela till May 26. And you may now continue to nominate blog posts till midnight on May 22.

This delay will also come in handy for all those readers who have nominated blog posts published in April. Hello! These nominations are null and void.

Please take a look at the rules here and take this opportunity to nominate blog posts which satisfy the eligibility criteria.

April Blog Mela
March Blog Mela

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yippee! Just been Google Whacked

Ryan Tyler from Glamorgan University writes in to let me know I'm a Google Whack. Don't believe me? Search for 'deskpersons' and 'snuffing' on Google (or click here) and you'll know why.

A Googlewhack is a Google search query consisting of two words that returns a single result. In this case, my blog.

One problem though - Ryan didn't quite tell me why he was searching for snuffing deskpersons on Google. Eh?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

On Blog Vacation

No, no, no - don't think you will get rid of me that easily. I'm just off on vacation to the city of my birth - Ahmedabad (otherwise famous for fake encounters and shaking minarets)

I will not be blogging during my 5-day stay at the Ahmedabad Blogging De-addiction Centre. No access to computers and cyber-cafes (but that story is reserved for a future blog post)

Until then, keep voting for the May 2007 Blog Mela. Deadline ends at midnight on May 15. Rules here

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

REVIEW: Spider-Man 3 - The second half sucks

"Spidey kisses classmate, MJ upset
MJ kisses Harry, Spidey upset"

Reminds you of millions of Bollywood films, doesn't it? If only director Sam Raimi had sought the services of Karan Johar, Spider-Man 3 would have been an emotional rollercoaster.

Alas! Spider-Man 3 suffers from surfeit. Love triangle apart, two new villains, their sob stories and a mysterious symbiote that flies in from outer space (how or why is never explained).

All Raimi can do is desperately try to salvage the different threads. The Spidey-Mary Jane love track stumbles (over MJ's botched debut on Broadway and an upside-down kiss), foe-turned-friend-turned-foe-turns-friend (Goblin junior Harry has selective amnesia), photographer Eddie wants revenge on Spidey for humiliating him and 'stealing' his girlfriend Gwen.

As for the villains (that would be too harsh a word coz all Spider-Man villains are nice at heart and victims of circumstance), the real killer of Ben Parker falls into a radioactive sandpit and turns into a Ruthless Sandman who robs banks to save his daughter's life.

Meanwhile, oozy symbiote turns Spidey into bad guy for a while. His slimy suit falls on Eddie transforming the latter into Venom. No more spoilers. Go watch the movie.

The big winner (and of course the reason why the third instalment in the series is breaking box-office records) are the special effects. They are good. Seriously. The chase sequences, how Franco turns Sandman, Harry vs Spidey are all top-notch edge-of-your-seat stuff.

The problem is the second half. The emotions are there but the emote-ing ones are not. Some bad acting by Tobey (can't really cry), Kirsten does her falling-from-skyscraper bit (again!), the symbiote can't really stand the sound of bells (blasted ear-drums I presume) and some bad attempts at Travoltaesque dancing (Tobey again)

You desperately wait for the film to end and on at least two occasions, I guarantee you will make the mistake of thinking it's over.

If not for the special effects and a certain scene in a French restaurant, the movie would have been a dud. I hear they will be making Spider-Man 4. Mr Raimi, please hire Karan Johar for that one. He'll teach you a thing or two about emotions.

Rating: ***

P.S. If you haven't watched Spider-Man or Spider-Man 2 before reading this review, am sorry you won't understand a thing

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