Tuesday, February 09, 2010

India Blog Mela - January 2010

Alaphia thinks It's Never Us. Its Always Them. .

Silverine experiences maternal connectivity.

Great Bong delivers an SRK-ian chuckle.

Krish Ashok is obsessed with Mile Sur Mera Tomorrow.

Aditi Sen is thinking about some random stuff.

Jade is facing street harassment.

NeoIndian is wondering if he's made the transition to living in India.

Divya lives in an industrial godown.

Spaz Kumari didn't like 3 Idiots.

OuchMyToe didn't get any credit for 3 Idiots.

That's all for now. The February 2010 Blog Mela returns early next month. But before leaving, do please vote for the best post in the January 2010 Blog Mela.

Did you just come across a quirky, interesting or something-that-tugs-at-your-heartstrings blog? If yes, feel free to nominate it for the February 2010 Blog Mela being hosted here on March 5.

- Leave a comment on this post OR better still - Mail me at toeknee (at) gmail (dot) com

- Posts must have been written by Indians or have an Indian angle
- Only posts published between 1-28 February 2010 would be accepted
- If possible, please nominate individual posts, not the whole blog
- Feel free to nominate something you have written. Immodesty appreciated
- You can nominate as many blog posts as you like - provided you really like them
- Only nominations received before midnight on March 4 stand a chance to be featured in the Top 10 list
- No, you don't get any moolah for nominating or getting featured in the Blog Mela. That could change once I am a millionaire but for now you'll just have to bear with me
- Yours truly reserves the right to nominate good posts which you ignore

March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

1 comment:

  1. I've read her a couple of times since you'd linked up to her in a few blog melas in the past. Found out she's blogging again these days and nominated her a couple times before, but didn't see her getting featured. Still, I nominate her one more time :)


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