Thursday, June 01, 2006

The ghost who likes music

Finally! One good reason why you shouldn't listen to Himesh Reshammiya songs. Read more here.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Me a Pawnshop?

My spammer name is Robust I Pawnshop
Enter your name to get yours:

Sunday, May 28, 2006

'Poomphet' has me stumped

Journalist Chidanand Rajghatta's 'Indiaspora' column in the Sunday Times is usually a good place to find and learn new words. But this week's column had me stumped.

Elaborating on the scarcity of Indian nurses in the US, Chiddu writes that Indians do not hold nurses in high regard.

"While we poomphet endlessly about our emigrating geek army and doctors fantastic, I have never heard hosannas for the nursing brigade..."
Hello? What is 'poomphet'? Intrigued by this funny sounding word, I checked the Oxford English dictionary, I checked the Net, scoured Google and online dictionaries - in short, wasted precious minutes of my time. But 'poomphet' was nowhere to be found.

Perhaps it's a misprint. Or maybe Chiddu is just trying his hand at inventing new words a la Salman Rushdie. Perhaps the readers of this impromptu post about this one funny word might be able to suggest a solution. Any answers?

Friday, May 26, 2006

My choice the new American Idol

Yes! Taylor Hicks is the new American Idol. And why am I so happy? Coz he was my choice from Day 1.

In scores of talent hunts and similar programmes over the years, I invariably backed the loser but I hit the bulls eye this time around.

From the moment the mop-haired guy from Birmingham, Alabama walked into the American Idol audition room some months ago - I knew he was the one. And last night, the Soul singer won a closely fought finale with the very beautiful Katherine McPhee. Whooppee!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tony Tattle

What is so inscrutable about the name Tony? Why do people invariably roll their eyes in disbelief when I introduce myself. Is your real name Antony, they ask. No, it's not! It's plain and simple Tony. Nothing more, nothing less.

Haven't they ever heard of British PM Tony Blair, cricketer Tony Greig, television character Tony Soprano and the like. What about the Tony awards, eh?

For God's sake, even the new White House Press Secretary is a certain Tony Snow. Our desi Jassi was the brainchild of television producer Tony Singh. Not to mention the innumerable other Tony Singhs wandering around in the wheat fields of Punjab. And don't you dare forget that the gun used in the Jessica Lall murder case was found in the house of a certain Tony in Chandigarh.

Granted that Christians are a minority in India but I have never heard of anyone getting flabbergasted by the presence of a Michael or a George in the workplace. Then why this fixation with Tony.

And it's not even a rare moniker. In school, there was another Tony in the same class and teachers usually got flummoxed when both Tonys responded to their bidding.

But somehow when I moved on to college and the workplace, people didn't take too kindly to my name. They would inevitably cup their ears to make sure they heard it right. Tony? It was almost as if they felt they could deal better with a Sony, Ronny or even a Dony.

Their next question - what does Tony mean? In the great Indian tradition, every name has to mean something and I am usually ashamed to admit mine doesn't stand for anything. But I never fail to point out that in the English lexicon, tony as an adjective stands for someone stylish, fashionable or elegant.

Not that I am claiming anything by that but Tony is certainly a better appellation than my dad's name John which has various unpleasant connotations - a toilet, a prostitute's customer and an elongated piece of underwear.

Now that you have patiently listened to or rather read my harangue, let me clarify that Tony is indeed derived from the name Anthony or Antony. And that my parents named me after my maternal grandfather.

Why maternal? Well, it seems that to do his bit for India's population crisis, my dad wanted to limit the number of his offspring to ONE. When I was born, Dad gave Mom the privilege of naming me after her father.

But three years later, when my obnoxious brother appeared on the planet, Dad gave the new born babe the moniker Jose to honour my paternal grandfather Joseph.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Dad had stuck to hierarchy when it came to naming unsuspecting babies after their grandfathers. I would have been named Jose and my brother would be Tony instead.

Nah! I like Tony much better. Jose is such a common name in South India. In fact, if you throw a stone in Kerala, you can be pretty certain about it landing on a person named Jose, or someone having a friend or a sibling named Jose. Now just don't start throwing stones at me.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Laptop-wanna Blues

As I continue harping on the need to get myself a snazzy new laptop, I must tell you what one my distant cousins Robins Tharakan went through. Better still, go read it yourself. He's posted all about his traumatic experience (with a new Dell machine) on his blog here.

Looks like I would need to do a lot of soul-searching before I get hoist by my own laptop.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Of siblings with football injuries

My brother has gone right ahead and destroyed his toe nail. Well, not deliberately. It seems he was playing football with no boots on when the incident occurred.

Being the blockhead that he is, he didn't pay much attention to it till this morning - by which time the semi-detached nail had assumed the proportions of a lightbulb, what with all the pus accumulated under it.

The poor dude had to endure what he termed "the worst ever experience of his life" when the doctor literally tweezered out the toe nail and all the attached pus. Now, he walks around with a bandaged toe and a wistful expression.

I bet he's having second thoughts about playing football without appropriate footwear. Wotsay?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Whew! Indian Idol 2 is over

Indian Idol 2 is finally over with Sandeep Acharya crowned the country's latest pop star. Anchors Aman Verma and Mini Mathur hemmed and hawed and stretched the finale to two whole hours, and announced the winner just when I had decided to beat them into a pulp the next time I meet them (which is never, I hope).

I feel bad for runner-up N C Karunya though - he's still said to be the more talented of the two.

The contest also brought out the SMS-devil in my parents. Believe it or not! More than 25 of the votes that went Karunya's way came in from my Dad. Karunya also has to thank my Mom for supporting him, although for far lesser SMSes.

Now, if only more of my kin had been SMS-friendly or simply cared about talent contests, Sandeep wouldn't have stood a chance.

Friday, April 07, 2006

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