Thursday, April 27, 2006

Of siblings with football injuries

My brother has gone right ahead and destroyed his toe nail. Well, not deliberately. It seems he was playing football with no boots on when the incident occurred.

Being the blockhead that he is, he didn't pay much attention to it till this morning - by which time the semi-detached nail had assumed the proportions of a lightbulb, what with all the pus accumulated under it.

The poor dude had to endure what he termed "the worst ever experience of his life" when the doctor literally tweezered out the toe nail and all the attached pus. Now, he walks around with a bandaged toe and a wistful expression.

I bet he's having second thoughts about playing football without appropriate footwear. Wotsay?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Whew! Indian Idol 2 is over

Indian Idol 2 is finally over with Sandeep Acharya crowned the country's latest pop star. Anchors Aman Verma and Mini Mathur hemmed and hawed and stretched the finale to two whole hours, and announced the winner just when I had decided to beat them into a pulp the next time I meet them (which is never, I hope).

I feel bad for runner-up N C Karunya though - he's still said to be the more talented of the two.

The contest also brought out the SMS-devil in my parents. Believe it or not! More than 25 of the votes that went Karunya's way came in from my Dad. Karunya also has to thank my Mom for supporting him, although for far lesser SMSes.

Now, if only more of my kin had been SMS-friendly or simply cared about talent contests, Sandeep wouldn't have stood a chance.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Google Romance

The day even Google turned matchmaker. Check it out.

And sorry for the hideous amount of white space.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering whether Toe Knee had left this planet after his last post, you are half right. Yours truly is having major computer problems at home and very rarely am I able to blog surreptitiously from the office.

In case you are also wondering why I keep whining about my ancient computer and how it's high time I got myself a laptop, Yes! I totally agree with you.

In fact, my Dad's promised me a laptop, and although I am trying to speed up the process, I am confident of wheedling it out from him by June 2006.

Till then, please bear with me and although I sometimes wonder whether I have more than 2 assorted readers, let me remind each of them personally that blogging remains a priority for me and I will be posting something on some mundane subject as soon as possible.

By the way, I finally read C S Lewis' first Narnia adventure - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I had never attempted any of his books as a child but when the flick was released in India recently, I thought it was time I read the classic. To my surprise, found lots of Biblical references as well.

Friday, March 24, 2006

American vs Indian Idol Part 2

Young Kevin Covais is out of American Idol. Not that he was one of my favourites, but I kind of admired his confidence at such a young age.

Thank God! Taylor Hicks is still in competition. But Lisa Tucker may have to do something now - she's figured in the Bottom 3 for the second show in a row. Is this a sign?

As for Indian Idol, organisers are doing all that they can to generate even higher TRP ratings. Now the three that are left in the race to succeed whatshisname Sawant - N C Karunya, Sandeep Acharya and Anuj Sharma - will be enthralling audiences at concerts in New Delhi, Ahmedabad and Lucknow. Looks like it's going to be a long, long affair.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

How to get Men to Shoot Straight

Here comes the klokicker: the football-urinal-sieve. What's that, you ask? It's a green plastic inset for a urinal, with a football goal installed on top.

A football dangles in front of the goal. The accuracy the male guests are capable of is now on the line and they have to kick the ball into the goal.

Bull's eye! And the ball changes colour. A lot of fun for top goal scorers!

Ideal for:
Football clubs, Stadiums, Bars, Beer gardens and many others.

Courtesy: Zigzackly

Saturday, March 18, 2006

American vs Indian Idol

Yup! People are surprised to know that I prefer watching American Idol rather than the more popular Indian Idol series.

Unfortunately, the popularity of Indian Idol hinges on melodrama and thrills, rather than actual singing. In a recent episode, the judges walked out after the people of India allegedly committed a crime by voting out a much more talented singer.

Chaos prevailed for some time - helping to jazz up TV ratings - before the singer himself refused to allow a rematch, declaring that he had "accepted" the verdict of the people and destiny. Talk about TV magic.

On the much more staid American Idol show, I am kinda rooting for Taylor Hicks. If he's voted out, my next best bet would probably be Katherine McPhee and Paris Bennett.

I even started a blog on its official website although I haven't updated it. You can read it here.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Mother, son and hair

Conversation between mother and son at mealtime -

Me: Why don't you try Garnier Multi-Lights for your hair?
Mom: At least, I have hair. Even if it's grey.

Ouch! Mom sure got back at me with that one. References to my receding hairline do not find me in the best of moods. And in case, you were wondering - I was just telling Mom to try out something new for her birthday.

Happy Birthday Mom. That barb is forgiven...for today.

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