Thursday, April 12, 2007

CNN-IBN bigger culprit than Narayana Murthy

Am surprised to see CNN-IBN television's coverage of Infosys founder Narayana Murthy apparently insulting the National Anthem. After all, the television channel insults the anthem every single day when it airs the CNN-IBN ad featuring Rajdeep Sardesai with Jana Gana Mana playing in the background.

Several people change the channel or put off their television sets each time the ad is aired. What do you think?

The CNN-IBN ad using the national anthem is -
Who cares?
Can't say free polls

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wanna be India's next president?

President A P J Abdul Kalam's term is getting over in July and he's not keen on a second stint. Who will succeed him?

The good news is if you are an Indian citizen and over 35, you could be a potential candidate. Of course, convincing the electoral college would be the tough part. But there's no harm in speculating.

There may be a few names doing the rounds but here's a tongue-in-cheek look at some candidates who I think will serve India well.

Vir Sanghvi
Suave talker and acclaimed journalist. Would play the perfect host to international dignitaries. They would provide enough fodder for Vir's popular columns in the Indian media. But bad news for the chefs at Rashtrapati Bhawan. Coz Vir would probably insist on doing his own cooking. Zucchinis and white wine, anyone?

Kiran Bedi
India hasn't had a woman president yet and Bedi as the trailblazing cop would set a good precedent. This Magsaysay Award winner isn't afraid to speak her mind and woe betide George Bush if he as much as utters 'weapons of mass destruction' during a state dinner. One problem though, will she be called Rashtrapatni?

Lalu Prasad Yadav
Our Railways Minister is no novice at political manipulations and could weasel his way into Raisina Hill. His annual Holi bash would be a cornucopia of colours with ambassadors (and Bush) honoured with seven-course bhang meals. Of course, parking would be a problem with all of Lalu's cows tethered on the grounds. Bonus: Lots of free cow dung to run the palace kitchen.

Mallika Sherawat
This Bollywood siren could make a beeline for the Rashtrapati Bhawan only in 2012 coz she's short of the age criterion by a few years. Wish that could be solved by fudging her birth certificate. Just imagine all the presidents and heads-of-state rushing to India for an audience with the bombshell. Bet Mallika would be busy signing bilateral agreements all day.

My driver '...inder'
This Sardarji dude has an opinion on everything under the sun. Ask me, I've been a silent sufferer for eight months. Bet he's already thought of a few changes he would implement once he's president. India's national animal - Tandoori chicken. And you won't need so many drivers for the Republic Day Parade. Coz gear-happy ...inder would be pleased to volunteer.

Who should be India's next president?
Vir Sanghvi
Kiran Bedi
Lalu Prasad Yadav
Mallika Sherawat
Toe Knee's driver ...inder
Someone else free polls
Well, this is my nomination list. If you think any of these shouldn't be India's next president, it's your duty as a true patriot to bring it to my notice asap.

This made me laugh. For 5 minutes

Nice ad for a German job-hunting website
(Link via BoingBoing)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don't be a Blogger Blooper

Well, it had to happen one day. Someone who would try to set rules for the blogging community. But I guess Tim O'Reilly's Blogging Code of Conduct has a long way to go before it's universally accepted. Which it will not be in a million years.

O'Reilly's Laws are limited in scope and can't stand for everyone. Expecting a blogger in Arkansas to think like his counterpart in Pondicherry is crazy. A guy blogging from Egypt or Saudi Arabia may not be able to express himself as freely as someone in India or the US.

The online community is increasingly becoming the symbol of democracy and its denizens won't accept a Hitler on the loose. You can't chain the blogosphere, no less the internet, and transform everyone into law-abiding online citizens.

Next, there will be calls to isolate and create a virtual prison for blog trolls. Or worse, a Censor Board to rate blog content.

If you comment on my blog, you have the right to remain anonymous. And no comments will be deleted unless you are a bit too abusive. After all, I retain control over my blog. Of course, making death threats is impolite but you can be sure I won't ask the cyber cops to trace your IP address.

P.S. Still can't believe O'Reilly actually created badges for blog content

Monday, April 09, 2007

And you call them kids?

In my time, harassing a teacher at school would involve mundane pranks like sticking condoms to the wall or some hyperactive kid simulating sex with the cupboard during a 'Truth or Dare' contest. Things have obviously moved on since then.

Somewhere in the UK, a teacher was writing something on the blackboard when a student crept up and pulled his pants down. Don't believe me? Watch this video footage

Earlier this week, a bunch of U.S. fifth-graders had sex in a classroom after keeping a classmate posted as lookout. And these are kids. Are you kidding?

In an unrelated report, India is apparently urging couples in Britain and other Western nations to adopt thousands of girls languishing in its orphanages. Angelina Jolie, are you listening?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Wanna read this blog in Cockney?

Use the Dialectizer

(Link via Neatorama)

Bikers at Barakhamba

It's 3 am on Easter Sunday. A dozen bikers have assembled at Delhi's Barakhamba Road and I watch fascinated as they put their stunts on display. One by one, the bikers zoom down the deserted street balancing their killer machines on one wheel rather than two.

One daredevil spins around, executing a bike pirouette of sorts with his face a few inches from the road and his arms flailing in the air. Another loses balance but regains control just as the bike ploughs into the median. The biker dismounts with no apparent sign of injury. Like most of his gang, he isn't wearing a helmet.

Half-an-hour later, the last of the bikers vrooms away into the dark. There are no traces of blood on the road, no wailing ambulance sirens and no policemen in sight. I assume it's been an uneventful night.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Good Friday???

K: Happy Good Friday, Tony
Me: What?
K: I said Happy Good Friday
Me: Dude, Good Friday is not Happy Good Friday
K: But it's good, right?
Me: Ya, Jesus saved us from sin so it was kinda good for the world. But he was crucified too, remember?
K: But you call it Good Friday. And confuse the heck out of people
Me: Well, it's good because Christians believe Jesus died for people's sins. And when we remember his death more than 2000 years ago, we are inspired to lead better, sin-free lives
K: But he still died. That's a sad thing, isn't it?
Me: Ya, but sometimes good stuff can come from sad things
K: So why isn't Good Friday happy too?
Me: Are you ever happy when people die? The fact that Jesus died is sad but then Christians believe that good came out of it. But people are happy on Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead
K: So you are saying I can wish you Happy Easter but not Happy Good Friday
Me: Exactly
K: Does it offend Christians if I wish them Happy Good Friday
Me: Not really. It sounds weird though. But I guess you took the trouble to remember it's an important day for us, so I should be happy
K: So you can be happy on Good Friday?
Me: Well, not really. I am fasting today and you are eating icecream. How can that make me happy?

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