Wednesday, September 02, 2009

And Delhi's favourite FM radio station is

The results are in. And the winner of the blog poll for Delhi's best FM radio station is 93.5 FM.

Red FM 'Bajaate Raho' is the flavour of the season, winning 38 percent of the votes polled on the blog. Radio City 91.1 FM was in second place with a fourth of the vote.

Full results here

Two years ago, the then newly launched Meow 104.8 FM was the surprise winner of this blog poll with 28 percent of the votes cast. Hit 95 FM finished in second place with 20 percent, just a vote ahead of Fever 104 FM.

Adam moos better than Amit Varma's cows
Delhi's "all talk" radio station
Getting high on Fever 104
Ten hits in a row, anyone?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The mysterious old man

When I left for work this morning, an old man was standing outside my house. He smiled as I walked past and asked me where I was going.

"And where is that?"
"Connaught Place"

Normally, most of my neighbours are strangers to me -- even if they happen to be residents of the same block of flats.

I am one of a breed of laptop-loving asocial beings, for whom the four walls of a house are like cocoons spewing forth humans, only to accept them back when they return from office.

But this stranger, who seemed like a harmless little man in his seventies, continued to address me as if I were a long-lost friend.

Suddenly, he raised his right arm in the air as if to strike me and started mouthing obscenities.

Taken aback, I smiled, took a few steps back and then continued on my way. As I reached the colony gate, I looked back and saw the old man still mumbling, his right arm still outstretched in the air, a frailer version of the Statue of Liberty.

I am not sure what was wrong with him. Perhaps, he is suffering from Alzheimer's. Maybe he mistook me for some former office subordinate who had irritated him.

Whatever the reason, I wondered why no one from his family was near him, why he was left free to prey on unsuspecting visitors, and did he even have a semblance of normal life?

I am not sure I want to know. The next time I meet him, I may not stop to chat. Will you?

(For more snippets from Toe Knee's life, keep reading his blog)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reflections from the Delhi Metro

Travelling alone on the New Delhi Metro Rail? Short trips are fine but an hour-long commute in a jam-packed compartment can be deathly boring.

Wondering how to pass your time? Eavesdropping helps.

Woman 1: My boyfriend says I don't provide him enough intellectual conversation
Woman 2: Really?
Woman 1: So I said we could talk about derivatives
Woman 2: Derivatives?
Woman 1: There was this programme on the stock market on NDTV Profit and I learned a bit about derivatives.
Woman 2: And?
Woman 1: Raj said he was impressed
Woman 2: He must have hoped that would make you very happy
Woman 1: Yeah, I said I am very much obliged (Laughs)
Woman 2: Men are all the same

An Ode to the Delhi Metro

Surviving Delhi's Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Part I
Surviving Delhi's Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Part II
Surviving Delhi's Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Part III

Friday, August 28, 2009

A House for Mr. Bobby

Bobby the toad entered our lives this monsoon season. One unusually rainy day in New Delhi, he leaped his way into our ground floor flat and has stayed ever since.

Believe me, it's not that easy trying to get rid of a toad. Bobby has the attributes of a master criminal -- he's nimble, silent and low-key.

We didn't like him one bit. Until we spotted him pouncing on a stray cockroach and eating it whole.

For Mom, that's a feat worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

She and cockroaches go way back.

As a college student, Mom once ran out of her house into traffic, chased by someone dangling live cockroaches in his fingers. Her brother.

She never forgave my uncle for that prank and talking about it still gives her the creeps.

But I digress.

Ever since he polished off the cockroach, Bobby has lost his pariah status and is welcome to stay at home as long as he wants.

Dad is not amused.

(For more snippets from Toe Knee's life, keep reading his blog )

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do blueberry muffins ring a bell?

It's quite late by the time I get back from office. And dark too.

In not-so-safe New Delhi, it's a good idea to know who you are opening your doors to -- especially at night.

So when someone rings the doorbell, and all Mom can see through the grill door is the silhouette of a person standing outside, she asks "Who is it?"

And I answer 'blueberry muffin'.

That's the cue for her to open the door.

Yes, we have a password system that's safer than most burglar alarms, vicious dogs and electric fences.

This month, the magic word is 'blueberry muffin'.

Last month, it was 'chocolate chip icecream'.

"But why only food?" says Mom. "Why can't we have sensible passwords?"

Well, that's because I set the passwords and I have a sweet tooth. It's a diet that has seen me go from 'thin' to 'no-longer-thin' on my blog profile in just five years.

And if cutting back on desserts (I swear I am) is a good thing, I can at least relive those sweet memories at night -- when I utter the calorie-filled syllables that gain me access to my home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why the water scares me

Nearly 20 years ago, a little boy ran down a rocky stretch of Kovalam beach in Kerala, thrilled with his first look at the sea. He stepped into the water gingerly, allowing the gentle waves to lap at his tiny feet.

The boy then ventured further – and further – into the inviting arms of the sea. But he slipped and fell and the waves, no longer gentle, carried him away. As he bobbed up and down, his gaze turned to the shore where his mother stood, gesturing wildly and shouting for help -- ironically in Hindi and not in her native Malayalam.

As he flailed his arms in a desperate attempt to keep afloat, sea water found its way up his nose and he panicked. The little boy had never experienced such helplessness before.

Suddenly, he felt someone grab him. A group of men playing beach volleyball had seen the little boy struggle and rushed to save him. He didn't look at their faces, he had eyes only for his mother as the Good Samaritans bore him back to her -- safe and unscathed.

That little boy was me. And I am still scared of drowning.

Suicide Blues

Monday, August 24, 2009

True Love -- 34 years on

So I was reading the Remembrance page in 'The Times of India' (FYI, I do not have a morbid fascination for death) and I chanced upon a message for Sayta Rani.
Who left 34 years ago this day in 1975
Fragrance of your love surrounds me always
Deeply missed by K.K.
Now, I found that interesting -- the other messages in the Times Obituary were all for people who died in the last five years. And there's this person who is mourning the passing away of his spouse (or mother maybe) 34 years after her death. Now that's true love.

And has K.K. been publishing a Remembrance message on August 22 each year? That's one thing I really want to know.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sona Mohapatra back with 'Diljale'

Remember Sona Mohapatra. The Indian pop/folk sensation sort of disappeared off the radar after her debut album "Sona" in 2006. But the 'Bolo Na' and 'Aaja Ve' singer is now back with 'Diljale'.

Her new video single will be officially released on September 1, 2009. But you can catch a preview here.

From the looks of it, this one is going to match the popularity of her first album, which remains one of my favourites.

In a blog interview in 2007, Sona told Toe Knee Unplugged her main objective was to create 'soul music', music that moves you. Her new album will carry forward that objective.

TV viewers have already heard the 'Paas Aao' number from the album -- it's the popular Close-Up song, one of the many jingles Sona has sung for television commercials.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vote for Delhi's best FM radio station

It's time you voted for Delhi's favourite FM radio station -- again.

Two years ago, the newly launched Meow 104.8 FM was the surprise winner with 28 percent of the votes cast on this blog. Hit 95 FM finished in second place with 20 percent, finishing just a vote ahead of Fever 104 FM. Full results

Will we see the same results this time around? Vote for your favourite FM radio station. Polling ends August 31, 2009 and results will be announced soon after.

Adam moos better than Amit Varma's cows
Delhi's "all talk" radio station
Getting high on Fever 104
Ten hits in a row, anyone?

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